Are you experiencing emotional trauma from a misattributed parentage event?

Thousands of people have discovered that a parent on their birth certificate is not their biological parent.

This jarring discovery can happen to adoptees, people conceived using sperm or egg donation, or simply people whose family chose to hide the circumstances of their birth.

This is commonly known as a “Misattributed Parentage Event” (MPE) or can be referred to as “Not Parent Expected” (NPE).

Whether misattributed parentage comes to light through genetic testing, a family member, or your own intuition, the emotional consequences can be devastating.

  • Emotional trauma

  • Family relationship disruption

  • Identity crisis

  • Loss of trust in relationships

  • The emergence of unhealthy coping mechanisms

  • Mental and emotional health issues

People involved in a misattributed parentage event often experience…

Let me help you navigate the MPE / NPE experience.

I am an MPE/NPE with 27 years of post-discovery life experience. In 1995, at the age of 37, I made the discovery that my biological father was not the man on my birth certificate. That discovery precipitated two decades of processing, discovery, and recovery.

My journey has included connecting with biological family, navigating the complexities of a new family system in my birth certificate family, the uncovering and resolution of childhood trauma, recovery from addiction, and the processing and healing of the midlife / identity crises that are fundamental to the MPE/NPE experience.

I am an MPE / NPE Trauma Recovery Coach, a non-traditional university student working on degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, the father of three adult sons, co-founder of an authentic relating men’s group, a Breathwork Facilitator, and a river guide.

I use my training and experience to help you navigate the complicated process of MPE trauma recovery. My goal is to give you tools to manage some of the most common traumas of a MPE and to help you find a new relationship with your life, family, and self, post-discovery.

Book a free discovery call and find out if working with me is right for you.