Cancellation & Late Policy:
You are responsible for full payment if you do not show up or cancel within 48 hours or the day of the session for any reason whatsoever. If you are going to be late, please call or text.
Payment Procedure:
Payments will be made before services are scheduled. When you make your appointment, calendy.com will direct you to payment with a debit or credit card.
Appointments that are cancelled more than 48 hours will either receive a full refund or credit for a rescheduled appointment.
Cell Phone:
Both of our cell phones will either be off or in another room during our session in order to minimize distractions.
Alcohol and Drugs:
You should not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs during your sessions (except for prescribed meds, used as directed). Please do not bring alcohol or drugs to your sessions.
Crisis Response:
If you find yourself in crisis due to safety issues such as suicidal ideation, significant self-harming or violence within a relationship, please dial 911, the National Suicide Hotline is available at 1.800.273.8255, RAINN’s Crisis Line (1.800.656.4673) or their online chat feature. You may also reach out to the Crisis Text Line at 741741. https://www.crisistextline.org And or please reach out to your physician or health insurance crisis hotline in your state.
You agree to be mindful of your own wellbeing during the course and to seek medical treatment (including, but not limited to psychotherapy), if needed. I do not provide medical, therapy, or psychotherapy services. I am not responsible for any decisions made by Client as a result of coaching or of any consequences of those choices.
A full description of the Standards and Code of Ethics that I adhere to as a member of the International Association of Trauma Recovery Coaching (“IAOTRC”), may be found at: https://certifiedtraumarecoverycoaching.com/iaotrc-standards
Upon execution by signature “I agree,” you agree that you have read and understand these Standards. If any policy stated in this agreement, or described in Standards, is violated, I will communicate with you, and we will set a clear boundary. If any policy continues to be violated, the coaching relationship will be terminated.
Grievance Procedure:
I am required to let you know that I am an Advanced NPE Certified Trauma Recovery Coach TM, credentialed by The International Association of Trauma Recovery Coaching. As an Advanced NPE Certified Trauma Recovery Coach TM, I am bound to uphold the Association’s Code of Ethics.
If at any time you feel I have failed to abide by the Association’s Code of Ethics or wronged you in another way you are welcome to contact Sarah Parish, TICC, CTRC-A (SarahParishCoaching@gmail.com) who is the Chairperson of our Professional Standards Committee. She can send you a grievance form to complete and submit, as well as let you know the process that will take place after she receives your grievance. All reports and grievance actions are held confidential by the Professional Standards Committee.
Thank you so much and I very much look forward to our journey together.